Payment per Credit Card
Recurring with 29,99 € / monthly. Subscription can be canceled every time.
Only 10,83 €/month. Recurring. Subscription can be canceled every time.
no recurring / no canceling needed
Other Payment Options
non recurring
non recurring
non recurring
Why sign up now?
That’s waiting for you:
- Up to 3 updates each week. So enjoy the time with us. Wow!
- All HD Videos of The Squad for streaming and downloading.
- You get high-resolution video photos of all videos.
- You get private information from the squad ladies.
- You can participate LIVE in our shootings. Become the slave of the squad-ladies now.
Member Support
INET-CASH was established to provide fast, secure and user-friendly payment systems based on common client needs. INET-CASH has been operating since 1995 as a responsible and secure internet payment processor. As reliable and secure processing is our primary and absolute priority, INET-CASH is certified to the industry’s highest security standard ‘PCI Level 1’ (PCI = payment card industry).
If your credit card statement or bank account contains a reference to ‘INET-CASH’, it means that a payment has been made for a web site that is using the billing services of INET-CASH
Support forms
Inet-Cash support form
forgotten password
cancel membership
Note: After the payment process you’ll receive an email with your login data to this website.
Your data will be solely used for the payment process and will not be shared
with any party not involved in the payment process.
If you chose a recurring membership you can cancel it at any time.
Your membership then automatically ends after the pre-payed membership-time.
Support: femdomsquad (at)
For membership- & password problems, please contact the billing company